Market Square, popularly called as Agora, is the commercial market of Ephesus located at the center of the city. This Ephesus market was nestled by the side of Marble Road unwavering from the theatre to Library of Celsus. Agora market has 3 large entrances, in the northern part, southern parts as well as the western part of the city.
Agora is the most and major commercial market of Ephesus. This was constructed in the 3rd century in the time of Hellenistic; on the other hand the relics date from Caracalla period in 211-217 C.E. This square shaped market measures 100 meters on every side and completely surrounded by pillars. The northern part of this commercial market is open while the west, south and eastern part were surrounded by porticos. The commercial market of Ephesus had many things to offer, there are lots of hand crafted products available to select from aside from different foods offered in rows of shops. And this might be main reason why it was called the major commercial market of Ephesus city. If you are planning to spend your your day in Ephesus city just visit this wonderful market.